Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Life Is a Dream Essay
Authentic foundation: Spain was joined after the Moorish occupation (711-1400s). Be that as it may, it likewise left Spain as a social powerhouse in Europe which was still to a great extent medieval in fifteenth century. Spanish rationalists and researchers applied solid impact and their experts were notable across Europe. Ferdinand and Isabella joined Spain and by 1492 ousted the Moors completely structure the nation. They were resolved to Christianize Spain and initiated the Inquisition to chase down and rebuff blasphemers/notwithstanding the Moors tey ousted all the Jews from the nation. Impacts from both the Moors and Catholics are obvious in the Spanish show: Moorish legacy in the mentality towards ladies and respect; Catholic impact strict confidence and regulation God and church. Spain was the predominant force to be reckoned with for just about two centuries-1492 extension and control of numerous terrains in America, Africa parts of Europe-Portugal, Sicily, Netherlands. This gave the country a feeling of dependability, certainty, vitality likewise clear in the theater. Strict dramatization auto sacramentale-were amazingly mainstream and performed consistently much after they had gotten old in the remainder of Europe. Proficient troupes were composed for this reason best scholars were recruited to keep in touch with them. They were delivered on trucks (carros) around 16 feet in length and 36 feet tall-along these lines having two levels. In the end they utilized 4 carros as a lasting stage-on-screen characters were reharsing for quite a while and were introducing for the city committee before the presentation could get affirmed for the general population. Cars were performed for a long time until the decrease in mid 1700s Before the finish of the sixteenth century-a few sensational geners showed up Comedia-3 act dramatizations or comedies. Cape and Sword-about humble refined men and Cuerpo (Noise) about rulers and legendary characters, holy people activities in remote spots. Lope de Vega 1562-1635- One of the most celebrated and productive dramatists an aristocrat, fighter, agent, darling lastly a cleric. He composed more than 1600 plays somewhere in the range of 450 have endure. Regularly contrasted with Shakespeare, he didn't have the profundity and knowledge into human instinct he liked to end plays with cheerful endings-taking a gander at the positive side. Pedro Calderon de La Barca 1600-1681 Expounded on 200 plays of which a 100 endure. He composed ââ¬Å"Cape and Swordâ⬠comedies-love triangles that are cheerfully settled. He likewise composed genuine plays about envy and respect. Most broadly he composed various automobiles his were the most mainstream and the structure declined after his demise. LIFE IS A DREAM 1636 A philosophical moral story about the human circumstance and the secret of life. It is a tragi-satire has components of both. Every single significant character suspended between various obligations guarantees and desires for what can anyone do. Clotaldo has an obligation to murder any individual who sees Segismundo yet in addition can not execute his own daughterââ¬as his obligation is to secure her. Sgismundo executes his aides the renegades as he has an obligation to the realm. As in an old style parody everybody gets hitched toward the end however the couples are odd or surprising Segismundo weds Estrella rather than Rosaura-she weds Astolfo as he has destroyed her respect. Analogies Dreams to theater as theater to life Dreams to life as life to existence in the wake of death Basilio is reproached in the play as he needs to discover his destiny just God knows your destiny. Ladies were permitted in front of an audience from the finish of the sixteenth century. Cross-dressing was taboo so Rosaura shows up as a half-beast half-male, half female garments.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
In 1930-1935, Max Dupain created a black and white photograph titled Eggs Essays
In 1930-1935, Max Dupain made a high contrast photo titled Eggs Essays In 1930-1935, Max Dupain made a high contrast photo titled Eggs Essay In 1930-1935, Max Dupain made a high contrast photo titled Eggs Essay Max Dupain centers strongly around the building up the ideal lighting method to make the correct state of mind and surface that the eggs seem to have. Utilizing the timid yet solid light source he features the eggs delicacy and delicacy. He has additionally utilized high complexities of highly contrasting to all the more likely separate the different, contradicting hues and tones, for the most part, the blacks and the whites. Dupain positions the eggs in a manner to make a designed shadow to uncover a greater amount of the exact detail gone into the creation of the fine art. With the momentous situating of the eggs, Dupain has likewise positioned the eggs on brutal, rough wooden sheets, to additionally put accentuation on the inadequate surface of the eggs. As a last point, Dupain has utilized, specifically, the lighting, high difference and situating of the eggs as procedures to open the eggs to their most noteworthy point. With every one of these strategies and techniques, he has taken a lot of regular items like the cup and egg to give assistance us structure an entirely different point of view on it with the cautious control of the picture. In the frontal area of the canvas consistently lays five arbitrarily situated pasty white eggs. Their faultlessness and cleaned surface is accomplished by the very much arranged lighting and the complexity of the two unique surfaces. Their shadow makes an example like that of a cloud. This impact causes the eggs to show up much progressively little, delicate and light since they seem to floating on the cloud. To the upper left of the eggs is a little, round cup, without any handles. The opening of the cup is moderately a similar size of an egg. The fresh shadow of the cup is loosened up to arrive at one of the eggs, recommending a vibe of association between the egg and the cup. The eggs and cup are both set on a progression of wooden boards. The wooden sheets are unpleasant, coarse and callused, and the eggs are immaculate and fragile. These two clashing surfaces show up so differentiated close to one another, their surface is more highlighted on the grounds that the two of them show up so fluctuated. The corner to corner boards of wood likewise show up as a type of driving lines, as their askew situating prompts the eggs. The association between the eggs and the wood are underlined by the designed shadows. Around the main two corners, the tone is exceptionally dim, and a large portion of the region is secured by dark. The high perspective is very one of a kind to what we ordinarily observe with most craftsmanships. This might be on the grounds that they need to get the shadows and their quality in well to connect with the remainder of different items. This high perspective likewise encourages us to discuss more with the item, since he is uncovering the subject more as he uncovers the entire and bigger picture with the perspective. More ground is secured with that perspective instead of what we would find in an ordinary picture, with the lower, straight on perspective. The tones in the craftsmanship are very differentiated, they are on the whole altogether different from each other. As a result of the lighting, the tones are more keen, more grounded however look climatic. There are a scope of tones, however the principle two are self-evident, obviously expressed inside the eggs and cup and the shadows and the murkiness of the table sheets. The tones additionally help to accomplish the impact of virtue of the eggs, on account of the differentiation between the lighter and the darker tones. There is a restricted measure of shading in this photo. They add to the differentiation of the blacks and whites and seem natural and common. The eggs are of a warm, china-white shading, velvety shading. The grays and browns advanced by the table staggeringly affect the eggs. Each shading draws out the following since they are for the most part unalike. They do, be that as it may, mix into each other, yet endeavor to recognize. The lines in the photograph are extremely fine and moment, especially covering the eggs, adding to the fine, delicacy of their appearance. The lines are not as ruling as the hues seem to be. Max Dupain has not concentrated as much on the exactness and situating of the lines as he has with the lighting, and profoundly differentiating hues and tones, and so forth. The shapes in Dupains photograph are bended, oval and stout. For the most part because of the states of the eggs and cups and their shadows. Be that as it may, the rectangular state of the wooden boards likewise, again complexity to the states of the eggs. There is a lot of standing out and separating from the two inverse surfaces, shapes, hues and tones of the eggs and the table. The shadows shaped by the eggs are designed. The steady bended shape and knock of the egg causes the shadow to seem ceaseless and progressing, representing forever, maybe. The eggs are put in front, nearest to the watcher and the cup is legitimately above it, closer to the foundation. The light has been precisely and astutely utilized and arranged with the goal that the final result truly uncovers its planned impact. The light source is from behind the cup and eggs, used to make the sharp shadows. The eggs and cup are proportioned to be of comparable size. The viewpoint of the work of art is higher, from ordinary fine arts to fit the picture proposed inside. This photo has been equally adjusted. The overwhelming, solid dull shadows in the left hand side, especially in the top offset out with the numerous eggs and their shadows. The point of convergence of the work of art would be the eggs. The corner to corner wood boards lead toward it thus does the shadow from the cup. I think the work of art represents a wide range of dispositions and intense subject matters. It is all truly dependent on Max Dupains endeavor to change the perspective on a regular item into a progressively refined and engaging picture. The photo assists with developing its unique picture into a photograph of effortlessness and inventiveness to make a state of mind of quietness and serenity. This photo changes and contorts ordinary items to help structure our regard for them. Max Dupain additionally attempts to draw out the impact of how eggs can likewise be a type of life. Recommended by how the human life begins, Dupain attempts to aggregate a vibe for what eggs can likewise mean, other than breakfast. I think the manner in which he has actually drastically contorted our picture of an egg is what is best about this photo. I think the work of art is shockingly, fruitless. Regardless of my high assessments of it, I think most of individuals think about this fine art as only a lot of eggs with a cup on a table. To me, it implies considerably more and significantly more exertion and work has been done to make what the final product is. Albeit some may concur with me, the greater part dont. No one would be as inspired by it for its unadulterated explanation being repetitive and inconsequential; my increasingly negative and shallow conclusion. At the point when I originally observed the photo, I had a more insipid and shallow thought of it than my opinion of it now. I just idea of it as an all the more straightforward photo. In the wake of investigating and examining it, it spoke to me more and I considered it to be a more important and unique photograph than I had previously. The work of art causes me to feel steady, quiet and lovely. The image is engaging and makes an impact of tranquility so it is the general state of mind I experience. The articles inside the image appear to speak with the watcher, all described by all the strategies utilized by Dupain. The artwork helps me to remember how looks can ordinary generalizations can be misdirecting and how somethings entire picture can be changed, with only a little concentration and focus. The eggs represent, to me five sensitive, delicate, lives in scan for its significance.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
MIT Olympians
MIT Olympians Since everyone seems to have Olympic fever these days (Michael Phelps! Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh! Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin!), I thought Id take a look back at MIT athletes who have participated in the Olympics. Now I know that many of you may be thinking that MIT is more likely to be in the Science Olympiad or the International Math Olympiad than the actual Olympics, but heres the official tally: 22 MIT alumni representing 8 different countries have competed in 27 Olympic Games in 9 different sports and have won 4 medals including 2 Gold Medals Perhaps unsurprisingly, more than half of the competitors, and all but one of the medals, have come from the pirate sports of rowing, sailing, fencing and rifle. Were pretty good at the pirate sports: rowing and fencing are Division I sports; we are the birthplace of intercollegiate sailing; and were really good at shooting (weve won the national championship in pistol 2 of the last 4 years). Heres the rundown by sport: Rowing: 7 MIT rowers, 10 Olympic Games Sailing: 6 MIT sailors, 7 Olympic Games, 1 medal Fencing: 2 MIT fencers, 2 medals Track and Field: 2 MIT athletes, 1 medal Skiing: 1 MIT skier, 2 Olympic Games Rifle: 1 MIT marksman Skeleton: 1 MIT slider Tae Kwon Do: 1 MIT Taekwondoist Wrestling: 1 MIT wrestler Two interesting stories come from our track and field athletes. Thomas Pelham Curtis, MIT Class of 1894, won the Gold Medal in the 110 meter hurdles (Liu Xiangs event) at the very first modern Olympic Games in 1896. His time was 17.6 seconds. By comparison, Lius world record time recorded 110 (!) years later was 12.88 seconds. You can read Curtiss account of the 1896 Olympics in a column he wrote for MITs alumni magazine, Technology Review. Some quick, fun facts about Curtiss participation: He traveled to Europe from the US by steamship Times in running events were relatively slow, since the track was soft since the Stadium had not been fully completed He was given the Gold Medal by the King of Greece himself The other MIT track and field Olympian was Henry Steinbrenner 27. The surname Steinbrenner is quite familiar to baseball fans: George Steinbrenner, and his sons Hank and Hal Steinbrenner, has owned the New York Yankees since 1973. Where do you think George got the money to buy the team? Well, Henry used his MIT education in marine engineering to run the very successful Kinsman Marine Transit Company. Later, George took over and used the some of the business fortune to purchase the Yankees. Henry Steinbrenner made such an impact on MIT athletics that MITs football and track field stadium is named for him: Henry G. Steinbrenner Stadium. The most recent Olympian was Pat Antaki 84, who competed in the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics. Sadly, there are no MIT people in the 2008 Summer Games, but we had 3 representatives in the 2004 Summer Games. What will happen in the 2010 and 2012 Games? Stay tuned
Friday, May 22, 2020
Meaning of Instrumental Variables (IV) in Econometrics
In the fields of statistics and econometrics, the term instrumental variablesà can refer to either of two definitions. Instrumental variables can refer to: An estimation technique (often abbreviated as IV)The exogenous variables used in the IV estimation technique As a method of estimation, instrumental variables (IV) are used in many economic applications often when a controlled experiment to test the existence of a causal relationship is not feasible andà some correlation between the original explanatory variables and the error term is suspected. When the explanatory variables correlate or show some form of dependence with the error terms in a regression relationship, instrumental variables can provide a consistent estimation. The theory of instrumental variables was first introduced by Philip G. Wright in his 1928 publication titledà The Tariff on Animal and Vegetable Oils but has since evolved in its applications in economics. When Instrumental Variables Are Used There are several circumstances under which explanatory variables show a correlation with the error terms and an instrumental variable may be used. First, the dependent variables may actually cause one of the explanatory variables (also known as the covariates). Or, relevant explanatory variables are simply omitted or overlooked in the model. It may even be that the explanatory variables suffered some error of measurement. The problem with any of these situations is that the traditional linear regression that might normally be employed in the analysis may produce inconsistent or biased estimates, which is where instrumental variables (IV) would then be used and the second definition of instrumental variables becomes more important. In addition to being the name of the method, instrumental variables are also the very variables used to obtain consistentà estimates using this method. They are exogenous, meaning that they exist outside of the explanatory equation, but as instrumental variables, they are correlated with the equations endogenous variables. Beyond this definition, there is one other primary requirement for using an instrumental variable in a linear model: the instrumental variable must not be correlated with the error term of the explanatory equation. That is to say that the instrumental variable cannot pose the same issue as the original variable for which it is attempting to resolve. Instrumental Variables in Econometrics Terms For a deeper understanding of instrumental variables, lets review an example.à Suppose one has a model: y Xb e Here y is a T x 1 vector of dependent variables, X is a T x k matrix of independent variables, b is a k x 1 vector of parameters to estimate, and e is a k x 1 vector of errors. OLS can be imagined, but suppose in the environment being modeled that the matrix of independent variables X may be correlated to the es. Then using a T x k matrix of independent variables Z, correlated to the Xs but uncorrelated to the es one can construct an IV estimator that will be consistent: bIV (ZX)-1Zy The two-stage least squares estimator is an important extension of this idea. In that discussion above, the exogenous variables Z are called instrumental variables and the instruments (ZZ)-1(ZX) are estimates of the part of X that is not correlated to the es.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Economic, Environmental And Social Aspect Of...
Synopsis Introduction Site Comparison Each site location has its pros and cons in terms of economic, environmental and social aspect of sustainability. Since this is a building site for University of Calgary to showcase sustainability, it is important that the building itself is sustainable. Various of criteria will be set in correspondence to these three aspects of sustainability to quantify the sustainable value of each site. Environmental Sustainability Figure 1. Site 1 Flood Zone and Green Area Figure 2. Site 2 Flood Zone and Green Area Figure 3. Site 3 Flood Zone and Green Area Flood Zone Flooding from the river is one of the key natural disaster that Calgary faces, hence, one of the major concerns of the sustainability of this building is whether the site is situated within the flood zone. Per the Province of Alberta Flood Hazard Map (See Appendix A), the flood line of each location is mapped in Figure 1, 2, and 3. From that, we can conclude that site 2 will not be affected by the flood, whereas site 1 is situated very close to the flood line and site 3 completely overlaps with it, which may not be the optimal site. APPENDIX A of FLOOD MAP Green Area The quality of air and the accessibility to green area is a key factor to the environmental sustainability of this building. Areas of public parks and green spaces are mapped in green in the figures above (1). Site 1 arguably has the least amount of green space. There are two city parks located withinShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Planning And Restoration Section1179 Words à |à 5 Pages2015 CRPLAN 6410 Paper 2 ââ¬â Environmental Planning Restoration The environmental planning and restoration section in the Wheeler and Beatley (2014) book incorporates elements of sustainable development, and includes readings on biophilic cities, environmental restoration, and landscape ecological urbanism. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Video Laryngoscopes For Intubations Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
Difficult and failed tracheal cannulation remains a taking cause of anaesthetic morbidity and mortality despite progresss in schemes both to predict and to pull off [ 5 ] the hard air passage. Many hard cannulations are non recognized until after initiation of anaesthesia [ 3 ] . Despite the handiness of options, the Macintosh Laryngoscope remains the most widely used. We will write a custom essay sample on Video Laryngoscopes For Intubations Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Endotracheal cannulation, considered to be the gilded criterion in procuring the air passage, is normally performed utilizing a direct Laryngoscope. In add-on to hapless light, troubles in executing conventional direct laryngoscopy normally arise from the limited position angle of about 10-15 [ 5 ] . Standard direct laryngoscopy requires alliance of the unwritten, pharyngeal, and laryngeal axes in order to see the vocal cords. In contrast, indirect Laryngoscopes merely requires alliance of the guttural and laryngeal axes, which lie along similar angles as compared with the unwritten axis [ 6 ] . Insufficient laryngoscopic position constitutes the chief ground for hard cannulations.Without equal visual image, cannulation remains insecure and associated with elevated hazard for injury [ 7 ] . Therefore, different blade designs such as the McCoy purchase blade, DoA?rges cosmopolitan blade and so on were developed to better cannulation success. [ 8,9 ] Owing to staying cannulation troubles in some patients, instruments leting indirect glottic position such as flexible and stiff fiberscope, cannulations endoscopes and optical stylets were introduced [ 10-12 ] . However, extended costs and the demand for particular preparation basically contributed to a limited spread of many of these devices [ 13 ] . Therefore, anesthesiologists are still seeking for cannulation devices uniting first-class glottic visual image with simple and efficient usage. Over the last few old ages, video-assisted endoscopic techniques have successfully been introduced into assorted surgical subjects. In contrast, anesthesiologists have been loath to take up the advantages of the picture technique for their intents. The first efforts were undertaken with jury-rigged instruments uniting Laryngoscopes and flexible fiberscopes [ 14 ] . Today, several luxuriant picture Laryng oscopes are commercially available [ 15-18 ] . Whereas some devices feature a conventional Macintosh blade signifier, others show a distinguishable blade design. A marked curvature resembling oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal anatomy enables a widened position. As a affair of fact, airway direction in injury patients has turned out to be exceptionally critical [ 19 ] . In instance of hurt and instability, motion of the cervical spinal column can do irreversible harm to the spinal cord [ 20 ] . Attachment of stiff or semi-rigid cervical neckbands are a compulsory measure in exigency medical attention but makes ETI by standard laryngoscopy much more hard or even non possible [ 21 ] . Video Laryngoscopes ( VLs ) , which allow an indirect position of the glottis, may therefore ease ETI even when the direct glottic position can non be obtained and better visibleness of the vocal cords [ 22 ] . The broad handiness of VLs poses the inquiry whether their usage can ease ETI safe and speedy even without remotion of the cervical neckband. AIM OF THE WORK To measure the safety and utility of glidescope, Airtraq and UE video-Laryngoscope use in anesthetized patients with fake ( with an immobilized cervical spinal column ) and expected hard cannulation conditions in comparing to the Macintosh Laryngoscope. Patients and methods Ethical blessing was obtained from the Ethical commission in HUST, and written informed consent was obtained from all participants before registration in the survey. .Target population Patients which showing for elected surgery necessitating orotracheal cannulation, were recruited and indiscriminately assigned into two chief groups, each chief group include four subgroups of 20 patients. Type of the survey: Comparative, prospective, random clinical test survey An helper who was non involved in the survey obtained numbered opaque pre-sealed envelopes incorporating the randomized group allocations after each patient was enrolled into the survey. Anesthetists non involved in the aggregation or analysis of the informations performed all cannulation. GROUPE ( 1 ) : { expected hard cannulation } macintosh laryngoscope- ââ¬â glidescope ââ¬â Airtraq ââ¬â UE video-laryngoscope GROUPE ( 2 ) : { fake hard cannulation } macintosh laryngoscope- ââ¬â glidescope ââ¬â Airtraq ââ¬â UE video-laryngoscope Inclusion standards A ; Exclusion standards: ââ¬â GROUP ( 1 ) : Inclusion standards: Both sexi?â⬠º Patients are ASA I or ASA IIi?â⬠º Age 20-60 yearsi?â⬠º Consent from patients about the nature of the survey and techniquei?â⬠º Expected hard airway upon appraisal. Exclusion standards: Patient refused to inscribe in the research survey Ear, nose or throat surgery A demand for rapid sequence initiation or exigency surgery Any upset of the cardiovascular, pneumonic, hepatic, nephritic, or GI systems known from history or general scrutiny Patients with unstable cervical spinal column If the patient at hazard of pneumonic aspiration. GROUP ( 2 ) : Inclusion standards: Both sex Patients are ASA I or ASAIIi?â⬠º Age 20-60 old ages. Consent from patients about the nature of the survey and technique. Exclusion standards: Patient refused to inscribe in the research survey Ear, nose or throat surgery A demand for rapid sequence initiation or exigency surgery. Any upset of the cardiovascular, pneumonic, hepatic, nephritic, or GI systems known from history or general scrutiny. Patients with unstable cervical spinal column If the patient at hazard of pneumonic aspiration. Expected hard airway upon appraisal. Morbid Obesity ( organic structure mass index gt ; 35 ) . Study results: will be in the signifier of cannulation clip, laryngoscope clip, success rates, figure of tests, failure rate, air manner injury, hemodynamic response and glottic visual image grads with all picture assisted devices. A-Preoperative appraisal Medical history: History of chronic medical unwellness. Drug history. Anaesthetic history: including old anaesthesia, air passage troubles, and household jobs related to anaesthesias. Physical scrutiny: General scrutiny: Pulse, arterial blood force per unit area, respiratory rate and temperature. Heart, thorax and abdominal scrutiny. Local scrutiny Air manner appraisal for any troubles or any oropharyngeal hurt was noted before surgery Laboratory probes: Complete blood count. Prothrombin clip ( PT ) , INR, partial thrombokinase clip ( PTT ) , shed blooding clip. Electrocardiogram: for patients above 40years old. Anaesthetic appraisal: To except marks of hard cannulation 1 ) Airway Physical Examination ( Signs of expected hard cannulation ) A ) Interincisor distance: Less than 3 centimeter. B ) Visibility of uvula: Not seeable when lingua is protruded with patient in sitting place ( Mallampati category greater than II ) C ) Thyromental distance: Less than three ordinary fingers. D ) Length of cervix: Short. Tocopherol ) Thickness of cervix: Midst. F ) Range of gesture of caput and cervix: Patient can non touch tip of mentum to chest or can non widen cervix. [ 23 ] Demographic informations: The patient ââ¬Ës age, sex, ASA position and BMI was recorded B-Methods: Patients were prepared by fasting for at least 6 ââ¬â 8 hours. Airway devices and anesthesia machine, ventilator, flowmeters and equipments checked were checked preoperatively. After canulation monitoring equipments will be attached to the patient including 5 leads ECG, non-invasive blood force per unit area, pulse oximetry and anaesthetic gas proctor. Initiation of anaesthesia A ; cannulation: Patients were preoxygenated with 100 % Oxygen for 3 proceedingss, No sedation was given to the patients.Then all patients receivedi?s propofol 2-3 mg.kg i.v fentanyl 1.5 Aà µg.kg i.v cis- atracurium 0.5 mg.kg i.v Devicess: One of the helpers will help the anesthesiologist who will execute the cannulations. A Magill tracheal tubing with 7.5 millimeters internal diameter ( ID ) was used for all efforts. Lubricant was already applied to the tracheal tubing, and a 10 milliliter syringe to barricade the tubing ââ¬Ës turnup. The devices used for the survey were: ( 1 ) Standard Macintosh laryngoscope, blade 3 ( gold-standard ; HEINE Optotechnik, Munich, Germany ) . ( 2 ) Glidescope Ranger, Cobalt blade # 3 ( Verathon Inc, Bothell, WA, USA ) . ( 3 ) Airtraq, Size 3 ( Prodol, Madrid, Spain ) . ( 4 ) UE Video Laryngoscope, medium size blade ( China ) A semi-rigid stylet was inserted in the tracheal tubing when intu-bation was performed with Macintosh and UE laryngeaoscope. The GlideRite stiff stylet was used for efforts with GlideScope. As the Airtraq have integrated counsel channels for the tracheal tubing, they were non designed to be used with a stylet and were accordingly used without any extra counsel. IN Group ( 2 ) The patients ââ¬Ë lungs will so manually air out for 3 min before a stiff cervical neckband will be applied maintaining the cervix in a impersonal place. This is an established technique for imitating a hard air passage. Tracheal cannulation will so execute with one of the three picture laryngoscopes or mackintoshs laryngoscope, in conformity to the randomized allocation. IN Group ( 1 ) , the same thing as group ( 2 ) without apply the stiff cervical neckband. Parameter will mensurate 1-Laryngoscope clip: Timess from the first contact with the device until accomplishment of a successful position of the glottis. 2-Time to intubation Will be recorded as the clip from interpolation of one of the videolaryngoscope to visual aspect of an end-tidal C dioxide hint on the capnograph. 3,4-Number of tests A ; failure rate: If cannulation is unsuccessful at the first effort, or took longer than 180 s, or if desaturation is note on the pulsation oximeter ( defined as SpO2 lt ; 93 % ) , the cannulation effort will halt and the lungs ventilate with an oxygen-volatile anesthetic mixture for 3 min. A 2nd effort will be allowed with the randomly allocated airway device. If cannulation is unsuccessful after two efforts, the protocol allow for the cervical neckband to be take and the patient ââ¬Ës windpipe to be intubated with the anesthesiologist ââ¬Ës instrument of pick. 5-Hemodynamics response: ( bosom rate, systolic and diastolic blood force per unit areas ) Will be recorded during the cannulation procedure with readings taken pre-induction, pre-intubation and at 3 and 5 min after cannulation 6-Glottic visual image mark: ( categorization of Cormack and Lehane, as modified by Yentis and Lee ) class I ââ¬â full position of the glottis ; class IIa ââ¬â partial position of the glottis ; class IIb ââ¬â arytaenoids or posterior part of the cords seeable ; class III -only the epiglottis seeable ; class IV ââ¬â neither epiglottis nor glottis visible. 7- Airway injury: A careful scrutiny of the oropharynx, will be performed after cannulation to find any lip or mucosal injury. The presence of any of the followers will taken to be grounds of mucosal hurt: blood discolorations on the tracheal tubing upon extubation ; seeable lacerations in the oropharynx ; or any hemorrhage noted on the lips or oropharyngeal mucous membrane. 8-Number of optimisation manoeuvres before tracheal cannulation. Each option technique add 1 point: repositioning of the patient, alteration of stuffs ( blade, Endo-tracheal tubing, alteration in stylette form ) , need for ( raising force, laryngeal force per unit area, jaw push ) Statistical Analysis The IBM SPSS Statistics ( version 20 ) will be used for statistical analysis. The sample size of n = 20 participants was calculated to be sufficient to observe a standardised mean difference of ( 1.4 ) in the cannulation clip with a power of 80 % and reversible significance degree of 5 % . All consequences are shown as agencies Aà ± standard divergence ( SD ) or figure ( % ) .The normal distribution of informations will be tested utilizing the Kolmogorov-Smirnov trial. Student ââ¬Ës t-test will be used for statistical significance of the difference in the average cannulation and laryngeal clip between the MAC group and each of the other groups ; Mann-Whitney trial will be used for non-parametric informations. One-way ANOVA will be used for statistical significance of difference in quantitative variables ( e.g. age, BMI, laryngeal A ; cannulation clip and hemodynamic parametric quantities ) between the 4-devices groups. Paired t-test will be used for statistical significance of the average difference in hemodynamic parametric quantities ( in each group ) at pre-induction/pre-intubation clip and each of the other clip points ( 1-min, 3-min amp ; 5-min ) . Categorical variables will be tested for statistical significance utilizing Chi-square trial ; Fischer ââ¬Ës exact trial will be used when any expected frequence is less than 1 or 20 % of expected frequences are less than or equal to 5.A How to cite Video Laryngoscopes For Intubations Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Video Laryngoscopes For Intubations Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
Difficult and failed tracheal cannulation remains a taking cause of anaesthetic morbidity and mortality despite progresss in schemes both to predict and to pull off [ 5 ] the hard air passage. Many hard cannulations are non recognized until after initiation of anaesthesia [ 3 ] . Despite the handiness of options, the Macintosh Laryngoscope remains the most widely used. We will write a custom essay sample on Video Laryngoscopes For Intubations Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Endotracheal cannulation, considered to be the gilded criterion in procuring the air passage, is normally performed utilizing a direct Laryngoscope. In add-on to hapless light, troubles in executing conventional direct laryngoscopy normally arise from the limited position angle of about 10-15 [ 5 ] . Standard direct laryngoscopy requires alliance of the unwritten, pharyngeal, and laryngeal axes in order to see the vocal cords. In contrast, indirect Laryngoscopes merely requires alliance of the guttural and laryngeal axes, which lie along similar angles as compared with the unwritten axis [ 6 ] . Insufficient laryngoscopic position constitutes the chief ground for hard cannulations.Without equal visual image, cannulation remains insecure and associated with elevated hazard for injury [ 7 ] . Therefore, different blade designs such as the McCoy purchase blade, DoA?rges cosmopolitan blade and so on were developed to better cannulation success. [ 8,9 ] Owing to staying cannulation troubles in some patients, instruments leting indirect glottic position such as flexible and stiff fiberscope, cannulations endoscopes and optical stylets were introduced [ 10-12 ] . However, extended costs and the demand for particular preparation basically contributed to a limited spread of many of these devices [ 13 ] . Therefore, anesthesiologists are still seeking for cannulation devices uniting first-class glottic visual image with simple and efficient usage. Over the last few old ages, video-assisted endoscopic techniques have successfully been introduced into assorted surgical subjects. In contrast, anesthesiologists have been loath to take up the advantages of the picture technique for their intents. The first efforts were undertaken with jury-rigged instruments uniting Laryngoscopes and flexible fiberscopes [ 14 ] . Today, several luxuriant picture Laryng oscopes are commercially available [ 15-18 ] . Whereas some devices feature a conventional Macintosh blade signifier, others show a distinguishable blade design. A marked curvature resembling oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal anatomy enables a widened position. As a affair of fact, airway direction in injury patients has turned out to be exceptionally critical [ 19 ] . In instance of hurt and instability, motion of the cervical spinal column can do irreversible harm to the spinal cord [ 20 ] . Attachment of stiff or semi-rigid cervical neckbands are a compulsory measure in exigency medical attention but makes ETI by standard laryngoscopy much more hard or even non possible [ 21 ] . Video Laryngoscopes ( VLs ) , which allow an indirect position of the glottis, may therefore ease ETI even when the direct glottic position can non be obtained and better visibleness of the vocal cords [ 22 ] . The broad handiness of VLs poses the inquiry whether their usage can ease ETI safe and speedy even without remotion of the cervical neckband. AIM OF THE WORK To measure the safety and utility of glidescope, Airtraq and UE video-Laryngoscope use in anesthetized patients with fake ( with an immobilized cervical spinal column ) and expected hard cannulation conditions in comparing to the Macintosh Laryngoscope. Patients and methods Ethical blessing was obtained from the Ethical commission in HUST, and written informed consent was obtained from all participants before registration in the survey. .Target population Patients which showing for elected surgery necessitating orotracheal cannulation, were recruited and indiscriminately assigned into two chief groups, each chief group include four subgroups of 20 patients. Type of the survey: Comparative, prospective, random clinical test survey An helper who was non involved in the survey obtained numbered opaque pre-sealed envelopes incorporating the randomized group allocations after each patient was enrolled into the survey. Anesthetists non involved in the aggregation or analysis of the informations performed all cannulation. GROUPE ( 1 ) : { expected hard cannulation } macintosh laryngoscope- ââ¬â glidescope ââ¬â Airtraq ââ¬â UE video-laryngoscope GROUPE ( 2 ) : { fake hard cannulation } macintosh laryngoscope- ââ¬â glidescope ââ¬â Airtraq ââ¬â UE video-laryngoscope Inclusion standards A ; Exclusion standards: ââ¬â GROUP ( 1 ) : Inclusion standards: Both sexi?â⬠º Patients are ASA I or ASA IIi?â⬠º Age 20-60 yearsi?â⬠º Consent from patients about the nature of the survey and techniquei?â⬠º Expected hard airway upon appraisal. Exclusion standards: Patient refused to inscribe in the research survey Ear, nose or throat surgery A demand for rapid sequence initiation or exigency surgery Any upset of the cardiovascular, pneumonic, hepatic, nephritic, or GI systems known from history or general scrutiny Patients with unstable cervical spinal column If the patient at hazard of pneumonic aspiration. GROUP ( 2 ) : Inclusion standards: Both sex Patients are ASA I or ASAIIi?â⬠º Age 20-60 old ages. Consent from patients about the nature of the survey and technique. Exclusion standards: Patient refused to inscribe in the research survey Ear, nose or throat surgery A demand for rapid sequence initiation or exigency surgery. Any upset of the cardiovascular, pneumonic, hepatic, nephritic, or GI systems known from history or general scrutiny. Patients with unstable cervical spinal column If the patient at hazard of pneumonic aspiration. Expected hard airway upon appraisal. Morbid Obesity ( organic structure mass index gt ; 35 ) . Study results: will be in the signifier of cannulation clip, laryngoscope clip, success rates, figure of tests, failure rate, air manner injury, hemodynamic response and glottic visual image grads with all picture assisted devices. A-Preoperative appraisal Medical history: History of chronic medical unwellness. Drug history. Anaesthetic history: including old anaesthesia, air passage troubles, and household jobs related to anaesthesias. Physical scrutiny: General scrutiny: Pulse, arterial blood force per unit area, respiratory rate and temperature. Heart, thorax and abdominal scrutiny. Local scrutiny Air manner appraisal for any troubles or any oropharyngeal hurt was noted before surgery Laboratory probes: Complete blood count. Prothrombin clip ( PT ) , INR, partial thrombokinase clip ( PTT ) , shed blooding clip. Electrocardiogram: for patients above 40years old. Anaesthetic appraisal: To except marks of hard cannulation 1 ) Airway Physical Examination ( Signs of expected hard cannulation ) A ) Interincisor distance: Less than 3 centimeter. B ) Visibility of uvula: Not seeable when lingua is protruded with patient in sitting place ( Mallampati category greater than II ) C ) Thyromental distance: Less than three ordinary fingers. D ) Length of cervix: Short. Tocopherol ) Thickness of cervix: Midst. F ) Range of gesture of caput and cervix: Patient can non touch tip of mentum to chest or can non widen cervix. [ 23 ] Demographic informations: The patient ââ¬Ës age, sex, ASA position and BMI was recorded B-Methods: Patients were prepared by fasting for at least 6 ââ¬â 8 hours. Airway devices and anesthesia machine, ventilator, flowmeters and equipments checked were checked preoperatively. After canulation monitoring equipments will be attached to the patient including 5 leads ECG, non-invasive blood force per unit area, pulse oximetry and anaesthetic gas proctor. Initiation of anaesthesia A ; cannulation: Patients were preoxygenated with 100 % Oxygen for 3 proceedingss, No sedation was given to the patients.Then all patients receivedi?s propofol 2-3 mg.kg i.v fentanyl 1.5 Aà µg.kg i.v cis- atracurium 0.5 mg.kg i.v Devicess: One of the helpers will help the anesthesiologist who will execute the cannulations. A Magill tracheal tubing with 7.5 millimeters internal diameter ( ID ) was used for all efforts. Lubricant was already applied to the tracheal tubing, and a 10 milliliter syringe to barricade the tubing ââ¬Ës turnup. The devices used for the survey were: ( 1 ) Standard Macintosh laryngoscope, blade 3 ( gold-standard ; HEINE Optotechnik, Munich, Germany ) . ( 2 ) Glidescope Ranger, Cobalt blade # 3 ( Verathon Inc, Bothell, WA, USA ) . ( 3 ) Airtraq, Size 3 ( Prodol, Madrid, Spain ) . ( 4 ) UE Video Laryngoscope, medium size blade ( China ) A semi-rigid stylet was inserted in the tracheal tubing when intu-bation was performed with Macintosh and UE laryngeaoscope. The GlideRite stiff stylet was used for efforts with GlideScope. As the Airtraq have integrated counsel channels for the tracheal tubing, they were non designed to be used with a stylet and were accordingly used without any extra counsel. IN Group ( 2 ) The patients ââ¬Ë lungs will so manually air out for 3 min before a stiff cervical neckband will be applied maintaining the cervix in a impersonal place. This is an established technique for imitating a hard air passage. Tracheal cannulation will so execute with one of the three picture laryngoscopes or mackintoshs laryngoscope, in conformity to the randomized allocation. IN Group ( 1 ) , the same thing as group ( 2 ) without apply the stiff cervical neckband. Parameter will mensurate 1-Laryngoscope clip: Timess from the first contact with the device until accomplishment of a successful position of the glottis. 2-Time to intubation Will be recorded as the clip from interpolation of one of the videolaryngoscope to visual aspect of an end-tidal C dioxide hint on the capnograph. 3,4-Number of tests A ; failure rate: If cannulation is unsuccessful at the first effort, or took longer than 180 s, or if desaturation is note on the pulsation oximeter ( defined as SpO2 lt ; 93 % ) , the cannulation effort will halt and the lungs ventilate with an oxygen-volatile anesthetic mixture for 3 min. A 2nd effort will be allowed with the randomly allocated airway device. If cannulation is unsuccessful after two efforts, the protocol allow for the cervical neckband to be take and the patient ââ¬Ës windpipe to be intubated with the anesthesiologist ââ¬Ës instrument of pick. 5-Hemodynamics response: ( bosom rate, systolic and diastolic blood force per unit areas ) Will be recorded during the cannulation procedure with readings taken pre-induction, pre-intubation and at 3 and 5 min after cannulation 6-Glottic visual image mark: ( categorization of Cormack and Lehane, as modified by Yentis and Lee ) class I ââ¬â full position of the glottis ; class IIa ââ¬â partial position of the glottis ; class IIb ââ¬â arytaenoids or posterior part of the cords seeable ; class III -only the epiglottis seeable ; class IV ââ¬â neither epiglottis nor glottis visible. 7- Airway injury: A careful scrutiny of the oropharynx, will be performed after cannulation to find any lip or mucosal injury. The presence of any of the followers will taken to be grounds of mucosal hurt: blood discolorations on the tracheal tubing upon extubation ; seeable lacerations in the oropharynx ; or any hemorrhage noted on the lips or oropharyngeal mucous membrane. 8-Number of optimisation manoeuvres before tracheal cannulation. Each option technique add 1 point: repositioning of the patient, alteration of stuffs ( blade, Endo-tracheal tubing, alteration in stylette form ) , need for ( raising force, laryngeal force per unit area, jaw push ) Statistical Analysis The IBM SPSS Statistics ( version 20 ) will be used for statistical analysis. The sample size of n = 20 participants was calculated to be sufficient to observe a standardised mean difference of ( 1.4 ) in the cannulation clip with a power of 80 % and reversible significance degree of 5 % . All consequences are shown as agencies Aà ± standard divergence ( SD ) or figure ( % ) .The normal distribution of informations will be tested utilizing the Kolmogorov-Smirnov trial. Student ââ¬Ës t-test will be used for statistical significance of the difference in the average cannulation and laryngeal clip between the MAC group and each of the other groups ; Mann-Whitney trial will be used for non-parametric informations. One-way ANOVA will be used for statistical significance of difference in quantitative variables ( e.g. age, BMI, laryngeal A ; cannulation clip and hemodynamic parametric quantities ) between the 4-devices groups. Paired t-test will be used for statistical significance of the average difference in hemodynamic parametric quantities ( in each group ) at pre-induction/pre-intubation clip and each of the other clip points ( 1-min, 3-min amp ; 5-min ) . Categorical variables will be tested for statistical significance utilizing Chi-square trial ; Fischer ââ¬Ës exact trial will be used when any expected frequence is less than 1 or 20 % of expected frequences are less than or equal to 5.A How to cite Video Laryngoscopes For Intubations Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
One Question free essay sample
From a young age, I was able to rattle off the answers to nearly every question that was presented to me; yet, there was always one question that I could never mutter an answer for. I figured as I grew in age and gained more knowledge, I would be able to answer it with ease. But as the years passed I could not find an answer and soon, the question began to consume me. The simple question of: What do you want to be? I was never the type of child who dreamt about their future. I never wanted to be an astronaut or a singer or an actress or a veterinarian; I was simply too interested in the world that surrounded me to dream about my future career. As the years went on, nothing changed, I remained a free spirit. The college talk soon began and I was urged to start taking classes that reflected my interests; I simply shrugged my shoulders each time my parents began speaking and I simply left the room. We will write a custom essay sample on One Question or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I invariably believed everything would fall into place, so why worry about this at such a young age? But that all changed the summer heading into sophomore year. I hastily logged onto my school account upon receiving the news that schedules were out. A smile started to slowly form as I read the schedule, pleased that I had so far be placed in all of the classes I had requested. My seventh period class however resulted in a look of confusion rather than happiness. Advertising Art, what in the world was Advertising Arts? I was tempted to switch out in exchange for a class of greater difficulty, but it was my curiosity that refrained me from doing so. Immediately after I walked into the classroom, I knew I wanted to pursue Advertising. The twenty plus Macintosh computers reflected the artwork around the room and would aid me immensely in producing my own artwork. I began skipping lunch in order to work, in addition to staying after school for several hours each day. Room 111 became my second home. My passion and talent grew with each project we received and the accolades I was granted. Graphic design was simply the stimulus that kept my brain composed during those ten arduous months of the school year; it was a mean of self-expression. A theory I once believed as a child was evidently proven to be true; everything falls into place. So now, as the questions become increasingly more difficult to answer, there is one whose answer I am unequivocally sure of, What do you want to be? I, aspire to be an advertising executive.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Free Essays on Cowboys
ââ¬Å"Should have been A Cowboyâ⬠, a popular kit country song of the mid 90ââ¬â¢s, broke out on the charts making people think back on their lifestyles. But in fact, do people view cowboys as the hero who has no trouble or worry, or the real cowboy lifestyle as rugged and dirty, struggling to survive. Cowboys were mounted herders hired by cattle owners in the United States to look after their livestock. Cowboys kept the cattle together, guided them to pasture, prevented their being mixed with other cattle, protected them from thieves, branded them, and drove them to shipping points. The long trips across the west seem to people today as a long horse ride with occasional campfires and beautiful scenery. This is the image I have always had about cowboys, but boy was I wrong. Between stampedes and Indians a cowboy had hardly enough time to enjoy the scenery. Nights were cold and lonesome. They were dirty and mean which seemed to be the key to their survival. Cowboys were faces with many hardships such as thievesfe tended to develop rough-and-ready virtues, as well as extraordinary skill in horsemanship and marksmanship. These qualities have acquired an almost legendary character in numerous tales and songs, making the cowboy a symbol of a hero in the United States and abroad.... Free Essays on Cowboys Free Essays on Cowboys ââ¬Å"Should have been A Cowboyâ⬠, a popular kit country song of the mid 90ââ¬â¢s, broke out on the charts making people think back on their lifestyles. But in fact, do people view cowboys as the hero who has no trouble or worry, or the real cowboy lifestyle as rugged and dirty, struggling to survive. Cowboys were mounted herders hired by cattle owners in the United States to look after their livestock. Cowboys kept the cattle together, guided them to pasture, prevented their being mixed with other cattle, protected them from thieves, branded them, and drove them to shipping points. The long trips across the west seem to people today as a long horse ride with occasional campfires and beautiful scenery. This is the image I have always had about cowboys, but boy was I wrong. Between stampedes and Indians a cowboy had hardly enough time to enjoy the scenery. Nights were cold and lonesome. They were dirty and mean which seemed to be the key to their survival. Cowboys were faces with many hardships such as thievesfe tended to develop rough-and-ready virtues, as well as extraordinary skill in horsemanship and marksmanship. These qualities have acquired an almost legendary character in numerous tales and songs, making the cowboy a symbol of a hero in the United States and abroad....
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
10 Summer Retail Jobs to Look Out Forââ¬and How to Get Them
10 Summer Retail Jobs to Look Out For- and How to Get Them When you think ââ¬Å"summer job,â⬠you donââ¬â¢t necessarily think ââ¬Å"career path,â⬠or ââ¬Å"40 hours a week in a cubicle.â⬠You probably think of something where youââ¬â¢re working with people, maybe at oddball hours, building experience and making bank before moving on to something else at the end of the season (school, a new job, etc.). Seasonal jobs can be great because they donââ¬â¢t have to be your forever job, but are a useful stop along your path. Whether youââ¬â¢re looking for a flexible second job or a summer job in between semesters, here are the retail jobs you might want to consider. CashierThis is kind of the classic entry-level retail job. Cashiers are responsible for checking customers out, handling different forms of payment, and using the storeââ¬â¢s point-of-sale (POS) system. They may also be responsible for maintaining the checkout area, handling returns or other customer issues,The pay: An average of $9.18 per hour, per PaySc ale.What youââ¬â¢ll need: People skills, good math skills, and general trustworthiness, since youââ¬â¢ll be handling money on the storeââ¬â¢s behalf.Stock ClerkStock clerks, who are most often found in big box department stores or grocery stores with high traffic and turnover, keep shelves full. Throughout the day, merchandise can get depleted or scattered, so these clerks are responsible for keeping shelves looking orderly, and tracking inventory. Clerks typically move between the store floor and the warehouse/storage areas throughout their shifts.The pay: An average of $11.14 per hour, per PayScale.What youââ¬â¢ll need: Clerical skills (for managing inventory and keeping records), customer service skills, attention to detail.Overnight Stock ClerkThis is a variation on other types of stock clerk positions, except these nocturnal professionals get their work done after the store is closed. Overnight stock clerks are responsible for inventory management, and getting the s tore ready for business the next day.The pay: An average of $11.14 per hour, per PayScale.What youââ¬â¢ll need: Clerical skills (for managing inventory and keeping records), customer service skills, attention to detail.MerchandiserIf you see displays as you walk into a store (or strategically placed along the way to convince you to buy cookies while youââ¬â¢re on your way to pick up milk and eggs), thatââ¬â¢s usually the work of a merchandiser. Merchandisers are responsible for setting up product displays to maximize attention to specific products or sales. They work with an eye toward placement, design, and inventory.The pay: An average of $12.04 per hour, per PayScale.What youââ¬â¢ll need: Attention to detail, design skills, strong organizational skills.Store SecurityWhether during business hours or after the store is closed, just about every store needs security officers keeping a sharp eye on things. Security officers may be responsible for loss prevention (shoplifti ng by employees or customers), general store security, and safety procedures.The pay: An average of $11.65 per hour, per PayScale.What youââ¬â¢ll need: Attention to detail, possibly a background check.Retail AssociateRetail associates are usually at the front lines in every store. Answering customer questions, making sure the store shelves are well-stocked, handling transactions or returns, and generally being an ambassador for the store are all parts of a retail sales associateââ¬â¢s job.The pay: An average of $11.65 per hour, per PayScale.What youââ¬â¢ll need: Customer service skills, attention to detail, organizational skills, math skills, and problem solving skills.Retail Store ManagerIf you have previous retail experience, there may be opportunities for seasonal store managers as well, particularly in stores or industries where summer is a busy time. Managers may be responsible for managing staff, payroll, store policies, opening and closing, customer queries (and inte rvening when necessary), and basically keeping the ship moving smoothly.The pay: An average of $14.65 per hour, per PayScale.What youââ¬â¢ll need: Customer service skills, leadership skills, attention to detail, organizational skills, math skills, and problem solving skills.Customer Service AssociateCustomer service can be one of the most challenging jobs in retail, but if you have the people skills to turn an irate shopper into a happy customer for life, then this is the retail niche for you. Customer service associates are usually faced with problems- product returns, customer questions, customer complaints, etc., so troubleshooting is their game. Ideally, they help customers resolve whatever issues come up, while providing a good customer experience.The pay: An average of $10.63 per hour, per PayScale.What youââ¬â¢ll need: Customer service skills, patience, problem solving skills, attention to detail.BakerIf straight-up retail isnââ¬â¢t your thing, there are also ways to combine food service and retail for your summer job. Many grocery stores and department stores have in-store bakeries. These bakery associates typically help prepare baked goods and displays for the day ahead, so if youââ¬â¢re an early bird, this may be a great retail option for you.The pay: An average of $11.38 per hour, per PayScale.What youââ¬â¢ll need: Customer service skills, baking/cooking skills, punctuality, possibly food handling certification.Omnichannel AssociateThis is a new front in retail, as many companies start offering a multi-format approach to selling their products online and in brick-and-mortar stores. (Think Amazon, or department stores that let you ship from their warehouse directly to your local store for in-store pickup.) Omnichannel retail employees are retail sales associates that often work on the fulfillment side of things, preparing orders to be shipped or delivered. They help create a seamless process for customers who want to move from online s hopping to in-person shopping.The pay: An average of $11.38 per hour, per PayScale.What youââ¬â¢ll need: Customer service skills, attention to detail, organizational skills, math skills, and problem solving skills.How to Snag Your Summer Retail JobOnce youââ¬â¢ve figured out what type of retail job would be a good fit for you and your skills, what next? Here are five tips to help get you hired in time for summer.Time it right.Retail stores typically hire year-round, so when should you apply if youââ¬â¢re looking for that summer sweet spot? Right before summer is your best bet- store employee turnover can be high, and stores may not be able to plan staffing too far ahead of time.Find summer-friendly stores.Your best chances to snag a summer job will come at stores that are busy during the summer (sorry, Christmas ââ¬ËR Us). Home improvement stores or gardening centers are good bets for the summer, since people are outdoors and active. Ditto sporting goods stores, or offic e supply stores gearing up for back to school sales. Big box stores like Best Buy, Costco, Target, WalMart, etc. are usually perennially hiring, so keep an eye on those evergreen stores as well.Be ready to go.When you start scoping out places that might be hiring, have your resume ready to roll. Again, high turnover means you might have to jump on any opportunities right away. If you hear about an opening and spend three days spiffing up your application, it may be too late!Be proactive.Donââ¬â¢t wait for opportunities to come up. If youââ¬â¢re targeting a particular store, donââ¬â¢t wait for someone to put a ââ¬Å"weââ¬â¢re hiringâ⬠sign in the window. Keep an eye on their website, or do it the old-fashioned way- stop in and ask! But remember #3: if you go into a store to inquire about potential jobs, make sure youââ¬â¢ve got your resume in hand.Use your network.You never know who might know of retail places that are hiring soon, so make sure to let people know youââ¬â¢re on the hunt. Your neighbor, your teacher, your old football coach- any of them could have good leads, so definitely mention that youââ¬â¢re looking for a new job. Plus, they know you, and may be able to vouch for you.A summer retail job doesnââ¬â¢t have to be a forever career (unless, of course, you find you have a passion for customer service, or a level of zen in creating floor displays), but it can be an excellent way to pay the bills and build experience before you get to your next step. There are a lot of opportunities out there, so you can find jobs that work best for you and your needs (part-time vs. full-time), your skills, and your experience level. Plus, youââ¬â¢ll be in air conditioning all summer. Not a bad deal!
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Essay - 13
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies - Essay Example The operations carried out at America, China, and United Kingdom was very successful. It provides online shopping opportunity to its customers. Its main objective is to provide better life to its customers with the help of the donations in kind. Wal-Mart is managed by Walton family as it is a family owned business. It has around 2.2 million employees across the world. Corporate level mainly deals with framing the mission and vision of the organization and planning accordingly to reach the desired goal. It formulates different strategies which are required for attainment of objectives of the company. The Functional level objectives are derived from that of the corporate level. This level develops coordination between the corporate and business unit level. In this complex environment of the business, the strategies are required to be formulated. This strategy is very well defined as in this level the marketing strategy will be further divided between the sales. The strategy in this level helps in the attainment of functional objectives of the organization (Hoskisson, Hitt and Ireland, 2012). Strategic management is required for the growth of the organization. It helps in the formulation of effective business environment. Business strategy is compared and formulated with the five forces that build competition. The strategic position of the company can be determined by the business level strategy. Wal-Mart adopts competitive advantage by delivering unique product to its customers by providing a standardized product at a lowest competitive price. The company can select any one from the given strategies to gain competitive advantage by delivering uniqueness in the product and lowering down the cost. The retail industry focuses on the cost leadership strategy to sustain in the market and narrowing the competitive scope. When the company provides unique product the customers will be willing to pay a premium for the product. Corporate level refers to the strategy
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Johnson & Johnson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Johnson & Johnson - Essay Example The companyââ¬â¢s target market is the health care sector. J&J aims to provide medical facilities, nursing homes and mothers with the supplies they need to operate. With its diagnostics and treatment products, J&Jââ¬â¢s products have become household names in the health care sector, beauty parlours and homes. According to Delo and Neff (2013, p.8), J&J capitalizes on its 92 consumer product brands to maintain an enormous presence in the current competitive market.à To achieve this, J&J spends a significant part of their revenues to market its numerous brands in various media including electronic media, print media, outdoor ads, blogs and social media- products that include; baby items, medical products and devices, skin care products, hair beauty products, and health products for women, and dietary products (Cameron 2007, p.65). As Chwallek (2013, p.16) has indicated, J&J relies on its strong brands as the key cog in its marketing initiatives. Owing to the success of the company in marketing its brand, today J&J customers and prospects would rather pick on its products than settle for other products provided by its market rivals. As a result, the companyââ¬â¢s consumers normally prefer to pay more for the brands, a development that has earned J&J more profit edge over its market rivals that sell fairly cheaper products. J&Jââ¬â¢s leading role among the worldââ¬â¢s top companies whose presence trace to the late 19th century is one of its major strengths (Chwallek 2013, p.16). The company boasts of high level of customer satisfaction and effective research and development programs that have resulted in its continued existence, 128 years since its inception. The long period of existence has enabled the company to build on its corporate image, customer base, and product image to its advantage. With its strong presence across the world made possible
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Africa
Attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Africa The developing economies of Africa must on their part make deliberate and sustained efforts to attract the much needed inflows of foreign investments. To achieve this, the enabling economic, financial and political environment for such inflows must be created. An economy that is exposed to higher levels of political instability, economic uncertainties and financial risk will not be able to gain the confidence of investors. These risk factors if not well mitigated with a great degree of transparency and accountability could serve as barriers to both local and foreign investments. According to Banz and Clough (2002), the major reasons among many others for not investing in developing economies are the lack of transparency and poor governance policies. Therefore, Nigeria and other developing economies of Africa must work towards an environment that has a relatively reasonable economic risk, ensure political stability and demonstrate moderate financial risk to attract foreign capital inf lows especially in the form of equity investment. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) markets to which Nigeria belong have of recent experienced some legal, regulatory and supervisory changes resulting into increased transparency in the operation of their markets. The liquidity of the markets have increased and operations also liberalized to attract more foreign investors. The Nigerian economy is the largest of the 15 member body and has a lot of political and economic influence over the other members. Conscious efforts have been made by the various member countries to partially open up their economies, through systematic privatization programs, overhauling of their legal and financial institutional infrastructures and use of modern trading platforms have resulted in real development of their markets and manage to attract some foreign direct investments (FDI) to them. Nigeria is currently the biggest economy in Africa after the recent rebasement of its GDP, thereby beating South Africa to the second place ((Magnowski, 2014). The petroleum sector accounts for roughly 80% of fiscal revenues and 90% of export earnings (World Fact book).The country is also one of the major exporters of petroleum, and plays a significant role in OPEC (OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin 2013). To diversify its economy Nigeria is encouraging the growth of their private sector by offering some incentives to private sector equity investors who are willing to invest in the country. The country has an increasing GDP of $422.6bullion, $450.4billion and $502 billion for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 respectively, and diminishing foreign debt stock of $15.73 billion and $13.4 billion for 2012 and 2013 respectively. There is also an increasing Foreign Direct Investment of $7.444 billionand $9.212 billion for 2012 and 2013 respectively (World Fact book: World Bank). The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) is the second largest exchange in Africa; it was established in 1960 to provide listing and trading services among others. Its activities are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the country. The value of publicly traded shares stood at $50.88 billion, $39.27 billion and $56.39 billion for 2011, 2012 and 2013 respectively. Despite all the above mentioned strong economic fundamentals or good indicators, Nigeria has been plagued by several daunting challenges, notable among them are the issues epileptic power supply, inadequate infrastructures, insecurity, endemic corruption, increasing rate of unemployment and its heavy reliance on petroleum products (Global edge, 2014; World fact book). These factors pose some uncertainties about the Nigerian economic and stock market outlook. Nevertheless, the Nigerian economy is still growing. Fortunately, the government is also conscious of some of these teething problems. Programs are initiated to diversify the economy in the areas of agriculture, power, telecommunication, transport and other services. These efforts seem to be yielding the desired results as evidenced in the countryââ¬â¢s 6-8% per annum pre-rebasing growth rate. With these measures a seemingly conducive economic environment is created which could be exploited by investors. This therefore, presents reasonable economic risk. There is also institutionalized democracy leading to political stability in its own form in terms of the countryââ¬â¢s ability to carry out declared programs. Nigeria is also able to finance its commercial and trade debt obligations and has at no time defaulted in payment of its external financial commitments; thus demonstrating relatively moderate financial risks. These indices send strong signals in terms of information content about Nigeriaââ¬â¢s overall economic health to domestic, international investors and rating agencies among others. Therefore, it will be of interest to empirically explore how these factors (economic, financial and political risks) when taken together or separately can affect the countryââ¬â¢s stock market performance and vice versa. Country risk ratings assess the probability of a countryââ¬â¢s default on its debt from a variety of perspectives: from socio-economic condition to growth in the real gross domestic product (GDP), government stability to corruption, to exchange rate stability among others. The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate the short and long-run relationships between Nigeriaââ¬â¢s country risk ratings; political, economic, and financial components and its stock market in order to provide further information for current and potential investors to enable them make better informed investment decisions. In our knowledge this is the first few studies of this nature conducted on an emerging economy like Nigeria. Our main instrument of investigation is the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach formulated by Pesaran and Pesaran (2009) and Pesaran et al. (2001), to empirically investigate the relationships. The ARDL method is adopted because of its econometrics techniques. One important advantage of the ARDL model over other traditional approaches is that it can be used in time-series data irrespective of their order of integration, whether I(0), I(1) and/or fractionally integrated (Pesaran and Pesaran, 2009). The ARDL approach can also test for cointegration by the bounds testing procedure and can estimate the short-run dynamics and long-run relationships. The rest of the paper is organized as follows; section two discusses related literature. Section three explains the methodology adopted in this paper. Section four presents the ARDL procedure and discusses its empirical findings. Conclusion and implications are given in section five. The globalization of trade and financial markets in the past years has created huge investment opportunities and its attendant risks. It has therefore, becomes inevitable to know the credit worthiness of participating players. The motive behind such an assessment of the economic and financial condition and sometimes political stability of a country is to be able to evaluate the country credit risks involved in doing business or investing in such a country. Any event in a country that will affect not only the prospect of profitability but also restrict the movement of capital in the form of profits, dividend etc is worth evaluating. The need for such critical evaluation of credit worthiness of countries has resulted in the establishment of several rating agencies such as Fitch, Moodyââ¬â¢s and Standard Poor among many others. These risk ratings are considered as indicative of possible future default. A higher rating is seen as a lower risk of default, while a lower score indicates a higher risk of default. Though the primary significance of ratings is due to their impact on interest rates at which countries source for funds in the international financial markets, studies have also shown its influence on stock market movements. This argument is linked to the influence of country credit risk ratings on the inflows of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI), into the hostââ¬â¢s economy, especially through equity shares investments. There is no scarcity of research papers on sovereign ratings and their critical roles for encouraging and facilitating investment flows especially in developed economies, but there is paucity of studies conducted on the impact of these ratings on movements of national stock markets, particularly for emerging markets such as Nigeria. Some of the early studies by Erb et al (1995, 1996a, 1996b) show that there is association or relationship between country credit risk (i.e. the risk of a countryââ¬â¢s inability to service its external debts) and returns on equity investments. The existence of relationship between country credit ratings and stock market returns was confirmed in the early work of Erb et al. (1996a) using data that cut across boundaries. As a follow up to their earlier work, Erb et al. (1996b) investigated the influence of economic, financial and political risks on expected fixed income returns. They show that there is relation between the country risk measures and world bond market expected returns. For the ICRG economic variable, they find positive and significant signs in unhedged, local, and foreign exchange portfolio returns. They also show that the country risk attributes are significant to the real yields of fixed income securities. Kaminsky and Schmukler (2001) also examine the influence of sovereign ratings and outlook changes on the sensitivity of emerging financial markets. They find that these variables have substantial influence on both bond and stock markets. A domestic downgrade is associated with an average increase change rate of two percentage points in bond yield spreads and a decrease of one percentage point in stock returns. SubaÃâ¦Ã
¸Ãâà ± (2008) expressed a contrary view, stating that in most cases news of a downgrade is often anticipate earlier before its announcement; therefore the potential negative effect of such information on stocks and exchange rate returns is diluted. The impacts of rating changes on both bond yield and sovereign debt have been tested severally by many authors. Reisen and Maltzan (1999) using the three main rating agencies, find that there is mutual interdependencies among rating changes and changes in bond yield spread. The study by Cantor and Packer (1996) also reported similar findings. Among several authors that have provided valuable insight into the influence of rating changes on sovereign debt and corporate securities are Hand et al. (1992) and Richards and Deddouche (1999). The degrees of sensitivity in all these studies tend to vary probably because of the methods used for the country risk analysis. Hammoudey et al. (2011) using emerging economies; Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (commonly referred to as the BRICS countries) establish various degrees of sensitivities of these countriesââ¬â¢ stock markets to their respective country risk ratings. China is most sensitive to all the risk variables, followed by Russia, while all the BRICS countries show moderate economic risk sensitivity. The spillover effect of sovereign debt rating changes on national stock markets and international debts is also confirmed by various authors, among them are Ferreira and Gama 2007; Li et al 2008. This situation is common among countries that share common economic features and unrestricted Evidence of flow of information. Common border also suspected to play a significant role. Regional stock market movements are also influenced by country credit risk rating news. This development is consistent with the study by Christopher et al. (2008), stating that there is a positive relationship between the two factors. While Brooks et al. (2004) in their study, though under a different setting did not find any sensitive association among the two variables. Turkeyââ¬â¢s stock market index also seems to have association with its economic, financial and political risk ratings. Using Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, Sari et al. (2013) established a steady long-run relationship among the stock market and some of the risk variables. There are many leading commercial publishers of country and political risk analysis, but data for this study is sourced from the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) economic, financial and political risk ratings for Nigeria covering the period 2001 to 2013. The ICRG rating system is made up of 22 variables representing three major components of country risk, namely economic, financial and political. These variables essentially represent risk-free measures. There are 5 variables representing each of the economic and financial components of risk, while the political component is based on 12 variables (Hoti, 2003). The specified allowable range for each factor reflects the weight attributed to each factor. A higher score indicates a lower risk and vice versa. The stock market returns variable is obtained by taking the first logarithm difference of the monthly stock of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) for the period earlier specified.s
Friday, January 17, 2020
Nature’s Work (Anaylsis of a Blizzard Under Blue Sky)
Houston seems to be an extremely talented writer. It comes as no surprise that ââ¬Å"A Blizzard under Blue Skyâ⬠is a truly compelling short story (despite the fact that it only spans four pages). The reason Houston is able to draw readers in is because she opens by introducing the underlying topic of the piece, than puts the topic on the back burner to make room for a fascinating narrative, and in the end ties the theme and the tale together without making the connection seem forced.Based on her writing structure, the three key points of ââ¬Å"A Blizzard under Blue Skyâ⬠seem to be identifying her problems/treating depression, persevering through a near death experience, and then realizing how the two are intertwined. Houston opens the story by detailing what has got her down in life: there are bills to pay, work to be done, and uncommitted men. The combination of this, and maybe even the haze of winter, made it so that ââ¬Å"the machine that drives you is brokenâ⬠(Houston 284).In the story, the doctor suggested medication to get her functioning correctly again, but Houston was adamant that she would never fix her depression with pills. She came up with an alternative solution: winter camping. From here, Houston drops basically all discussion about her depression. As a result, the reader almost forgets why she was going camping in the first place. Instead of dwelling, she immerses herself in nature hoping to get the same results as a prescription would have achieved artificially.One quote in particular perfectly describes her healing journey through nature, ââ¬Å"when everything in your life is uncertain, thereââ¬â¢s nothing quite like the clarity and the precision of fresh snow and blue skyâ⬠(Houston 284). Although her initial accounts of winter camping seem jovial and fun (she even mentions that the clarity and the sereneness feels like the fourth dimension). Houstonââ¬â¢s experience quickly takes a turn for the worse. The sun creeping behind the mountains amplifies her lack of experience and her lack of supplies.Accordingly, she is faced with a fourteen hour sleepless night where her only concern is survival (for both her and her dogs). When the sun came up on Houseââ¬â¢s snow cave the next day, she describes a feeling of pure joy and relief based on the fact that she is alive. ââ¬Å"For the first time in many months I was happy to see a day beginningâ⬠(Houston 287). She forgot about the bills, the man, and about the depression. Life and happiness because synonymous.The final key point of ââ¬Å"A Blizzard under Blue Skyâ⬠is the first two key points combined: experiencing nature is an excellent way to deal with depression because it allows one to have ââ¬Å"remembered about joyâ⬠. Houston asserts that nature forces you to step outside of your problems and embrace simplicity. Her story is tangible (maybe a little extreme) example of this, but it undoubtedly encourages the readers to use the natural world as a resource to facilitate ââ¬Å"hopefulnessâ⬠. I thought ââ¬Å"A Blizzard under Blue Skyâ⬠was a wonderful story and achieved exactly what it intended to.It provoked happiness, maybe even amazement based on the fact that upon setting out Houston was initially skeptical about the healing power of the natural world, and in turn found how revolutionary an extreme experience can be. Whatââ¬â¢s most interesting is that Houston immediately turned down anti-depressants. Most people would be thrilled at the prospect of a pill filling the void in their lives. Pam Houston had a different view, ââ¬Å"one of the things I love most about the natural world is the way it gives you whatââ¬â¢s good for you even if you donââ¬â¢t know it at the timeâ⬠(Houston 284).The important thing to note here is that she did not know how nature would heal her, but she had an unwavering faith that it would even in extremely harsh conditions. Prior to reading this story, my experiences with nature have not been all that rewarding; I have never had a life changing experience as a direct result of the natural world. Houston helped me to identify why I have never stumbled upon such an organic change before. While she experienced joy by letting go of everything but the prospect of life, I have always gone into the environment with expectations and goals. I intend to change this.In the terms of the big picture, this story ties directly with all her other writings I have read in my free time (Cowboys are my Weakness, Waltzing the Cat, Sight Hound). What we can gather from this story, is that nature is a powerful tool for contemplation, introspection, and healing. It is no coincidence that nature retreats are popular and powerful experiences. One can undoubtedly experience God, and do some meaningful soul searching while experiencing Godââ¬â¢s creation first hand. I think that this piece of literature is getting at a very important point: emotio nal fluctuations are inevitable but they donââ¬â¢t have to be debilitating.In her story, Houston is going through a very difficult time, and her problems are very universal: love, work, and money. The natural journey that she consequently details prove that sorrow is curable (medication is not needed). In terms of my life, I intend to take the lessons taught by Houston and apply them to my life. With that being said, I donââ¬â¢t have the time to go camping on a regular basis, nor do I have the desire to, but I will seize any opportunity I can to expand my natural boundaries.This might include exploring a national park on a weekend instead of going to a movie, or it might mean vacationing to the wilderness of Utah instead of defaulting back to the same beaches I have always gone to. Whatever my wilderness emersion ends up being, rest assured that I will go out of my way to seize it. Maybe I will experience a life or death situation and come out with a new found conception of jo y, but even if I donââ¬â¢t, I will soak up whatever nature has to offer me.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Abortion Is The Termination Of A Pregnancy After, Accompanied
Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. People have used the negative psychological effects of abortion as a basis to either promote or discourage abortion; making it one of the most highly debated topics for years. Many studies argue that abortion can lead to serious mental illness as people have disclosed effects ranging from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, substance abuse, sexual dysfunction, sleep interruption, and suicidal ideation or attempts. Others claim that while abortion may lead to some negative psychological effects, they are only temporary; reporting positive outcomes for the female choosing abortion in theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Researchers tend to agree that, at some level, abortion is a stressful experience for all women. (APA, 1987) Young women reporting abortions can generate significant resulting psychosocial distress. (Speckhard, 1987) Wome nââ¬â¢s experiences of abortion may vary as a function of their religious, spiritual, and moral beliefs and those of others in their immediate social context. (Major et al., 2009) However, they admit in the study that choosing an abortion can be a significant stressor for women coming from families and cultures that look at abortion negatively. Major et al., (2009) also concur that women who belonging to religious groups that oppose abortion on ethical and moral grounds, may struggle and be more conflicted about the termination of the pregnancy through abortion. Those who sense pressure to have an abortion by others or feel coerced into having an abortion may indicate that also as a potential cause of stress. Major et al., (2009) however, trivializes having an abortion as nothing more than a potentially stressful life event within the range of other normal life stressors. While some may experience nothing more than stress, others may experience a host of other reactions ranging a ll the way to severe trauma. Some studies purport higher rates of depression and suicide among women post-abortion. Post-abortive women were more likely to land in a higher risk category for depression, according to an analysis of the National Study ofShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay On Abortion1293 Words à |à 6 Pages Abortions are one of the many things that everyone has an opinion on. As defined by the 2012 Merriam-Webster dictionary, an Encyclopedia Britannica Company, an abortion is, ââ¬Å"the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus as a spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation--miscarriage, the induced expulsion of a human fetus, or the expulsion of a fetus by a domestic animal often dueRead MoreA Opinion On Abortion And Abortion897 Words à |à 4 PagesEveryone has a different opinion on abortion. According to the Merriam- Webster dictionary, an abortion is ââ¬Å"the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus, spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation, induced expulsion of a human fetus, expulsion of a fetus by a domestic animal often due to infection at any time before completion of pregnancy.â⬠Abortion is, and always will be a controversialRead MoreEssay on The Right to Life: Pro-Life 863 Words à |à 4 Pagesdefinitions proclaim that an embryo is not yet a human life; as conception begins two to three weeks after implantation occurs, a heartbeat is heard, and a the embryo can sustain life outside of the womb. The laws vary from state to state and in our home state of Texas political parties clash so hard the state shakes with a jolt felt across the country. Arguments weigh in from all over the globe against abortion and none more prevalent that of churches all over the world. For Pro-Life activists, there isRead MoreAdoption: the Alternative to Abortion1489 Words à |à 6 PagesAlternative to Abortion The word ââ¬Å"positiveâ⬠is both feared and revered by women around the globe. A simple plus sign on a pregnancy test can be cause for elation or terror. Nearly half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion (Finer and Henshaw 2001). Abortion, legalized in 1973 by the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, is defined by the Merriam-Websters Dictionary of Law as the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, or closelyRead MoreSocietal Views on Abortion Essay example615 Words à |à 3 PagesWhen asked about abortion most people try not to even think about the subject. ââ¬Å"Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.â⬠(Merrian-Webster) Since abortion was legalized in 1973 there have been over 35 million abortions performed. Approximately 1 in every 6 women has had an abortion, giving a total of about 4,000 abor tions each day in the United States only. Planned Parenthoodââ¬â¢s mission is to help everyRead MoreAbortion Is Morally Wrong And Should Be Illegal1617 Words à |à 7 Pages Abortion has become a serious topic in American culture today. If you were to ask someone on their street whether they were Pro-Life or Pro-Choice odds are they would know exactly what you were talking about and then be able to give a clear statement of their opinion on the matter. This issue has provoked many strong opinions in people around the country, so much so that the act of abortion has been petitioned to become an illegal procedure. There are many reasons to support abortion along withRead MoreAbortion : The Termination Of A Pregnancy Essay1606 Words à |à 7 Pages In American culture today, Abortion is one of the most personal, widely discussed, and controversial topics. As stated in Merriam Webster dictionary, abortion is ââ¬Ëthe termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetusââ¬â¢. Pro-life and pro-choice sides take moral positions. While pro-life advocates fight against the termination of an unborn child, pro-choice advocates defend a soon-to-be motherââ¬â¢s legal right to make personal and heartrendingRead MoreTaylor Meyers. Christine Capen . English 3. May 12, 2017.1076 Words à |à 5 Pagesalive? Pro-life or Pro-choice? These two groups upon abortion will bring opinions flying in from everywhere. The topic on abortion is a very sensitive issue and always has been and probably always will remain a topic upon which we all will never agree on. Before I continue any further, for those who may not know, what exactly is an abortion? Defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, an abortion is, ââ¬Å"the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by death ofRead More Abortion Essay600 Words à |à 3 Pages According to Websterââ¬â¢s dictionary, abortion is the termination of pregnancy after, accompanied by resulting in, or closely followed by death of the embryo or fetus. I believe that abortion should be illegal. Our world today is full of unsolved, devising and controversial issues. Most of them relate to our morals, ethics, and religion, thus creating a very strong ââ¬ËYesââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËNoââ¬â¢. If you were to come to any kin d of conclusion on abortion, there would still be a downside to it, and that is primarilyRead MorePro Life Or Pro Choice1524 Words à |à 7 PagesPro-Life or Pro-choice is the highly debatable question that is discussed when the topic of abortion is brought up. Abortion is one of many controversial topics in America. Abortion is the early termination of a pregnancy. Merriam Websterââ¬â¢s dictionary defines abortion as; ââ¬Å"the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus: as a: spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation b: induced expulsion
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Ethics in Construction Industry - 4554 Words
Contents Acknowledgement 2 Introduction 3 Professional Ethics and Construction 5 Professional Ethics 5 The case in Ethiopia 13 Ethical Issues 15 Construction Business and Ethics 22 References 25 Acknowledgement The group would like to take this opportunity to thank our Ethics and Legal Environment Instructor, Dr. Tilahun Goshu, who gave us the chance to explore the ethical issues in the construction industry at present time. Introduction Construction is the largest industry in the world, benefiting all stakeholders. Improved productivity thought virtuous collaborating will help in bringing to the owner a quality facility, in a shorter time, at lower cost. When we look to ethics in the area ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦A professional operates in a world of people with whom they work, colleagues and other specialists, and people whom they serve, such as their clients and the public. Professionals are not exempt from the common ethical behaviors - such as obligations, duties and responsibilities - that are binding on ordinary people and are usually bound by a set of principles, attitudes or types of character dispositions that control the way the profession is practiced. This has been termed Professional Ethics, and concerns potential problems confronting members of a profession or group and their impact on society, with the implication that fairness should be attributed not only to clients but also colleagues and the public. One important aspect is that of conflict of interest, defined as an interest which, if pursued, could keep professionals from meeting one of their obligations. Another is the relevant professional right termed the ââ¬Å"Right of Conscientious Refusalâ⬠, which is the right of an employee to refuse to partake in unethical conduct when forced to do so by an employer. This may occur in work or non-work situations and not necessary involve breaking the law. Conscientious Refusal may be done by either simply not participating in the activity that one sees as immoral, or it may be done with the hope of making a public protestShow MoreRelatedEthics And The Construction Industry1081 Words à |à 5 PagesAs we all know, ethics play a major role in the construction industry. Many contractors and other construction related companies today are being judged not only on their quality of work, but by their professional reputation as well. Owners are coming to the conclusion that although they may not provide the absolute lowest price, the more professionally rated contractors provide a better experience throughout the construction process. 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Furthermore, there are some key works that engineers doing in our daily life. Moreover, this article will introduce how civil engineers do for their professional. And what kind of ethics that engineers require to be respect. In addition, how do they practice to solve issues to avoid failure generate again. This report will shows the roles of engineers do in manufacturing industry and what kind of works that they need to complete. BaseRead MoreThe Ethical Theories Of Duty Ethics And Virtue Ethics Essay1588 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe character Thor in Thor: The Dark World. In these words we find a frightening tension. Almost everyone agrees that it is good to be ethical; this is an easy affirmation. It is much more difficult, though, when ethics is in direct opposition to success. This dichotomy- between ethics and success- will no doubt confront an engineer during a professional career of any substantial length. Can you say that you would rather be a good man than rich? Or popular? 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